Posts By: PR & C Admin

IEEE ComSoc the Experience

El IEEE Communication Society: ComSoc proporciona acceso a información actual, oportunidades para establecer contactos con colegas y mejorar el valor mundial de tu profesión

Los miembros de IEEE reciben precios especiales para la membresía de ComSoc

Si no eres miembro del IEEE, es posible unirse Afiliado a …

Webinar via Cisco Webex -Teleconference 5G SA Systems

Teleconference: 5 G SA Systems
Considerations for planning and deployment
Expositor: MSc Eng Alessandro Defilippi Elías
Direct TV Latinamerica
Teleconferencing: Systems 5 G SA Planning and deployment considerations
Gym: Eng. Alessandro Defilippi Elías
Direct TV América Latina


Webinar vía Webex ComSoc – Data is the Answer

Enlace de registro:
Don’t miss the tv conference: DATA IS THE ANSWER, dictated by MsC. Christian Urcuquí, director of it of Quantil, S.A. and researcher at the University of ICESI, Colombia #ieee #comsoclatam #ieeexp

MAY 8, 2020 FROM 17:00 TO 19:00 GMT-5 VIA WEBEX:

Don’t miss …

12th IEEE LATINCOM 2020 – Virtual

12th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications – IEEE LATINCOM 2020
When: November 11 – November 13 , 2020
Where: Virtual Conference
The IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) is an international conference organized by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc). It is held annually and attracts submissions and participants …

Redes de datos – Contexto y evolución

Our Technical Activities Commitee Coordinator, M.Sc. José Ignacio Castillo, kindly wants to share for free his book (in Spanish) “Redes de datos: Contexto y evolución”
Click here to download it :

#ieee #comsoclatam

Nationals Volunteers Week

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”
― H. Jackson Brown Jr
On the National Volunteer Week we want to thank our volunteers.
Thank you for all you do!
#IEEEPRC #NationalVolunteerWeek

Membresia a 50% de descuento a estudiantes

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Advanced and interplanetary networks

Advanced and interplanetary networks, by Ignacio Castillo.
📆Friday April 24, 2020 , 12:00 Hrs (GMT-5)
Language: Spanish
A review of the experimental and commercial Internet.
Internet 2 in the world, known as Advanced Networks, which support National Education Networks and Advanced and Interplanetary Networks will also be discussed.