Charlas Tecnicas

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Presentation :

IEEE Latin Com 2020 Event photos

Y cerramos el #IEEELatincom2020 con 6 keynotes, 18 TS, 70 publicaciones, 2 tutoriales, y un excelente hackaton! Los esperamos en Santo Domingo en 2021.

Cognitive Approach to Building a Safe and Smart Cities/Societies

Layers of smartness—using technology and data—are being built into cities to make them safer, more efficient and sustainable. Developed cities around the world are actively launching smart solutions, while new and emerging cities are integrating intelligent, connected systems from the start. The big cities of …

Enrutando la Internet espacial con Contact Graph Routing

IEEE ComSoc Argentina les invita a participar del webinario “Enrutando la Internet espacial con Contact Graph Routing” por el Dr. Juan A. Fraire, el próximo viernes 28 de agosto a las 18h00 GMT-3. • La inscripción es libre y gratuita en:

IEEE ComSoc Latam convida …

DLT ComSoc in IEEE D.R. SubSection

Presentación del Lector Distinguido : Prof. Jalel Prof. Ben-Othman, PhD – DOS IN VANETS AN ISSUE OR A FATALITY – DLT LA COMSOC April – 2018 en IEEE Subseccion República Dominicana, ??.

ComSoc DLT LA April – 2018

Algunas fotos de la presentación del Lector Distinguido : Prof. Jalel Prof. Ben-Othman, PhD – DOS IN VANETS AN ISSUE OR A FATALITY – DLT LA COMSOC April – 2018 en Puerto Rico ??


IEEE COMSOC DL LAT #3 in May 2017

IEEE COMSOC Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Andrei Gurtov from Finland.
Lecture: Software Defined Mobile Networks.
Date: 05-08-2017 @ Turabo University Caguas, Puerto Rico


Presentación del LectorDistinguido IEEE Comsoc Prof. ATHANASSIOS MANIKAS (ComSoc).U.K.London.
Lecture: The Art of Multi-Antenna Wireless Communications: From “Space” to “Space-Time” Communications

DLT – Attacks and Hardware Defenses for Network Infrastructure SubSection

Evento pasado
Charla Tecnica: Attacks and Hardware Defenses for Network Infrastructure
Por el Dr. Tilman Wolf, Decano Adjunto de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Massachusetts, IEEE DLT COMSOC.
Fecha: Sábado 12 de Noviembre 2016
Hora: 10:30 am a 12:30 pm
Lugar: Auditorio Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), Santo …