12th IEEE LATINCOM 2020 – Virtual
12th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications – IEEE LATINCOM 2020
When: November 11 – November 13 , 2020
Where: Virtual Conference
The IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) is an international conference organized by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc). It is held annually and attracts submissions and participants from all around the world. It covers the scope of all ComSoc Technical Committees and has a broad technical program that includes renowned keynote speakers and comprehensive tutorials presenting the state of the art in communications.
In consideration of the current situation that humanity is experiencing, especially the research community and in accordance with the request for non-mobilization to combat COVID-19, the Organizing Committee of IEEE LATINCOM 2020, in concert with the Steering Committee, has decided that the conference will run as a virtual conference (i.e., using remote audio/video support) and not as an in-person event.